Kids imagine creating works of art from the used cans, pure water sachets, and all manner of rubbish littered our streets, in our dustbin or garbage disposals. The new media, eroding our garbage off the street recycled, re-use and reduce the volume of rubbish littering our environment. The other part of the project is known as D’ASOROGI (AN ENVIRONMENTAL ART). This philosophical title means “creating or wearing garments for trees. It is otherwise called installing garments on trees. Ordinarily, trees don’t wear clothe, but the natural bark. Some ugly at sight, some harmful if touched while few are fascinating and friendly, some are badly harvested by man for food or concoction used for natural health. By implications installing garments make trees wear new look, gives a sigh of relief to viewers and are drawn closer to view, appreciate or sit on them. Standing trees are installed together with seats all wearing garments. It could serve as aesthetics and functional where people seat and relax.
The essence of this project was to encourage community oriented projects among the young ones. These kids offered to their community form of aesthetic 0btained from waste cellophane and logs of intended firewood. A link to “DASHOROGI WITH THE KIDS from FCE Staff School, Abeokuta”